You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Payments > Managing Completed Debtor Payments Batches > Debtor Batch Payments - File - Adjustment Notes
Debtor Batch Payments - File - Adjustment Notes

You use adjustment notes to .

  1. Display the Debtor Batch - Payments screen.

Refer to "Entering the Debtor Payments Details".

  1. Select the debtor payments batch you want to adjust.

You can only select batches with a Batch Type of Payments.


Micronet displays the Select Printer screen.

  1. Select the printer you want to print to, along with the printer options, then select Accept.

Micronet prints the adjustment note and redisplays the Debtor Batch - Payments screen. The debtor payments batch remains open for additions and printing.